Xerath OP REWORK!!!

That's right, Xerath the artillery is getting a REWORK!!! Woot, woot!
How epic is that splash right?
Well everybody knows what a new reworks mean... ANOTHER OVERPOWERED CHAMP!!! (not as overpowered as Heimerdinger though Nerf Heimerdinger!)
Look a those sparkly particles and effects. Totes amaze!
Not only visuals are updated, his skill have be ubergraded too! Talk about op.

"The Xerath rework is here and ready for testing on the PBE. We wanted to help better shape Xerath to fit the modern League of Legends environment, improve the character’s feel and sell his fantasy as a mage commanding unleashed power.
After listening to your feedback, we’ve made the following major changes:

  • Passive: No longer grants armor, now grants % magic penetration and restores mana on basic attacks.
  • Q: Can now be charged to increase the spell’s range. Mana cost and damage slightly increased.
  • W: Is now a targeted AoE explosion that deals additional damage in the center and slows all enemies struck. Enemies in the center are slowed more.
  • E: Is now a skillshot missile which stuns champions.
  • R: Is a combination of Xerath’s old W and R.
  • Immobilize yourself to gain a super-long ranged attack which deals magic damage each time you click the cursor for 3 seconds. (Max 4 shots)
Our intent is to ensure that Xerath’s core pattern is fun and engaging, but his ultimate use is a rare, powerful long-ranged attack." -Riot.

His new ult lets him fire 4 magical blasts of magic at like SUPER long ranges (think lux ult)! HIS RANGE INCREASES WITH ULT RANK?!?!?!? 4500 units!!!! LUX IS ONLY 3000!!!!!!!
Xerath now has a skill shot stun! To make stunning easier (for the noobs)....
And also, it seems that Riot has ran out of ideas, and copied Varus's Q into Xeraths Q. Creative right?
In conclusion, Heimerdinger is still op, that was what this post was about right? Showing that Heimerding is and always will be, THE KING OF MID LANE
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