Finally The New Urgot Rework! Urgot the Dreadnought!

Urgot the Dreadnought

Yay! Finally, the Urgot rework that we have all been waiting for! This afternoon, Riot has released Urgot's new rework, detailing his refined backstory and showing off his new abilities and visual upgrade.

"A former Noxian Headsman, Urgot used to think he knew what strength was. Then he was betrayed by Swain and found himself bound in chains, a slave in Zaun’s mines. There, he discovered a new form of strength: pain. He revels in the chaos of suffering, knowing that it makes him strong. Now—his body augmented with machinery—he knows that Noxus can never truly be ruled by strength while it is ruled at all. He seeks to destroy the leaders of Zaun, and preaches to those who survive: there are no rules, only survivors."

Passive: Echoing Flames

"Attacking in the direction of one of Urgot’s legs causes that leg to combust flames outward, dealing physical damage to enemies in a cone and putting that leg on cooldown. Consecutive hits within a few seconds deal reduced damage."

Each of Urgot's legs glows, storing a single charge. When attacking in the direction of a charged leg empowers the attack, dealing more damage. After using the charge, the leg goes on cooldown. After sometime the leg glows back up and is ready for another empowered attack.
This will create an interesting play style as the passive is best utilized if he circles around his enemy, or if there are multiple enemies around Urgot. Reminds me of Fiora's vitals where Fiora has to dance around an enemy hitting the enemy at specific places.

Q: Corrosive Charge

"Fires an explosive charge at the target location, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and slowing them.
Enemy champions struck are locked onto."

This used to be Urgots E, which when champions are struck by, Urgot was able to spam his old Q on the champion without missing. The reworked version has a little wait time before the Corrosive Charge actually explodes. They also took out the armor shred from the ability and replaced it with a slow.

W: Purge

"Urgot shields himself and rapidly shoots the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemies that are locked onto and triggering Echoing Flames when possible. While shooting, Urgot walks more slowly, but becomes resistant to incoming slows.
During this time, Urgot can walk over non-champions and cannot basic attack normally."

This ability looks absolutely crazy!  Urgot goes on a shotting spree, shooting anything he can get in range of. The only bad part about this ability is that he can't choose his targets unless they are locked onto. So that means you would have to hit Urgot's other abilities before using this one. Urgot looks to be a close ranged, up in your face champion.

E: Disdain

"Urgot charges in a direction. If he runs into an enemy champion, he'll stop, grabbing and throwing them to the other side of him - damaging and locking onto them.
Non-champions trampled during Urgot's charge take the same damage and are knocked aside."

To really close the deal as an up in your face carry, Urgot has a dash that is meant to be used towards an enemy. I have a feeling that you're going to want to build some defense items on him. I can also see him being used as an ranged top laner, like Graves. Maybe that's what Riot is designing him to be.

R: Fear Beyond Death

"Urgot fires a hexdrill beacon that impales the first enemy champion struck, locking onto them, dealing physical damage and slowing them.
While impaled, if the target falls below a health threshold, Urgot may re-cast Fear Beyond Death to suppress the target, slowly reeling them in and - when they reach him - executing them. During the re-cast, they are untargetable, and this effect can only be ended by killing Urgot.
If Urgot successfully executes an enemy, he terrifies all nearby enemies."

This is a neat little ability. It doesn't look too amazing though. The damage doesn't look to be a lot, and to use the second half of the ability, the champion must be close to being dead. One way I see people using it would be hitting a dying enemy with it, but waiting to use the second half. Instead Urgot would go into the enemy team with his E and then reactivate his ultimate, fearing everyone. Finally, Urgot would wreak havoc on the enemy team with his W, but this is only the ideal situation. It could be hard to pull off.

Overall, Urgot looks to be an exciting and fun champion to play. The up close and personal trait of Urgot is really different from most ranged champions, but that's what makes Urgot cool. His design is a little creepy though, and the designers did a great job in adding the terrifying to this champion. If you like going in 1v5, I think Urgot might be your champion.