This is it ladies and gentlemen. Heimerdinger was too op, so Riot is going to have to nerf him some more!  

Too bad they didn't change the splash or visuals, but it's ok at least he is getting nerfed 

No more getting pooped on in mid lane because they have an enemy Heimerdinger. Heimer had too much of a strong poke with his hextech missiles, so instead of shooting 3 rockets, he shoots FIVE ROCKETS! His turrets were too cool and awesome, so Riot decided nerf the amount of turrets he could have out on the Rift. Instead of 2 turrets, he can now have THREE TURRETS! 
His ult gets changed from a buff to a nerf to all his skills. He can use one FREE spell when his ult is activated, but the ability he chooses gets nerfed.
His turrent ult place down a red turret that does tons of damage. 
His rockets will be able to fire 4 waves of 5 rockets, and his grenade will bounce when his ult is active.

How am I supposed to play Heimer now after he has been nerfed? WHY RIOT!!! WHY!!!!