Rakan the Charmer

Rakan the Charmer is a hyper mobile support that is able to dash into and disrupt the enemy team. Being a support, he can also shield and heal his teammates. Rakan acts like an assassin, but instead of dealing damage, he provides crowd control to his enemies allowing his team to come and do the damage for him. Lets get into his abilities.

Passive: Fey Feathers
Overtime Rakan creates a shield for himself even when in combat. The shield's cool down is reduced when Rakan attacks an enemy champion.

Q: Gleaming Quill
This is Rakan's main poke ability. Rakan shoots a feather in a straight line dealing damage. If it hits a champion or epic monster, Rakan creates an area around him that if his teammates enter it will heal them. After time if no ally enters the circle, the heal will automatically go off.

W: Grand Entrance

Rakan dashes in a straight line and lands. After a breif delay, Rakan knocks up enemies where he landed. This is Rakan's main cc tool in lane and team fights, knocking up champs and allowing teammates to follow up and secure the kill.

E: Battle Dance
Rakan dashes to an ally granting them a shield. Rakan can then dash again to the same or other ally. Rakan's W already grants him mobility, but his Battle Dance makes Rakan one of the most mobile champions in the game.

R: The Quickness
Rakan gains a bunch of movement speed. Any enemy champions that touch him will be charmed for a short amount of time, working only once per champion. When charming his first opponent, Rakan gains even more movement speed! With this ability, Rakan has the potential to charm the entire enemy team, giving Rakan's team a chance to pounce and kill all the squishies before they can break from Rakan's charm.

Three out of four of Rakan's ablilies give Rakan mobility. Rakan has basically 3 dashes in his kit, and an ultimate that grants him a bunch of movement speed. Rakan is able to go in with his W or ult and disrupt the entire team and then fall back onto his teammates with his E. This makes Rakan an extremely slippery support.

With his assassin like mobility, Rakan is an extremely slippery champion, but he does still have weaknesses. His W and ult require him to be up close and personal with the enemy. This allows time for the enemy to quickly dispose of the support before he can do any real disruption. Without defensive items, Rakan would easily be blown up in a teamfight. This prompts Rakan players to choose their fights carefully and know when is the best time to engage in a fight.

Rakan has a ton of play making potential and I feeling like he will soon be everyone's go to support for awhile. His kit is amazing and his play making abilities is just to good to be ignored.