Two New Champions! Rakan and Xayah

Riot has been teasing on their Facebook for a while, and now they have finally revealed not just one champion but two champions in a single day; Rakan the Charmer and Xayah the Rebel!

Rakan the Charmer

Rakan is a new super mobile support. He can heal and shield, all while dashing around the map. He resembles an assassin, but instead of killing, his job is to support his fellow teammates. Raman is great at making flashy plays, being able to dash in and cc the entire team with his ult!

Xayah the Rebel

Xayah on the other hand is a new ADC. Her abilities set up these feathers on the map that Xayah can then call back to her, dealing damage on the way back. She excels at kiting and even better at turn around because of her feathers that take back to her.